Satisfaction Guarantee

Product guarantees, returns, and inventory repurchase

Our commitment

Product Quality
We are committed to providing products held to the highest standards

Money Back Guarantee
4Life offers a 100%, 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee on the purchase price of our products

Customer Satisfaction
You are a valued customer, and your experience and satisfaction are important to us

4Life Return Policy FAQ

  • What 4Life product is covered in the Product Guarantee? Who can take advantage of the Product Guarantee?
    All 4Life product is covered in the 100% 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee to all Retail and Preferred Customers, as well as 4Life Independent Distributors.
  • Who do I return the product to?
    If a Retail Customer purchased a product from an Independent Distributor, the Retail Customer must return the product to that distributor for a refund or replacement. If a Retail Customer or Preferred Customer purchased the product directly from the Company, the product should be returned directly to the Company. If an Independent Distributor is unsatisfied with any 4Life product purchased for personal use, the distributor may return the product within 30 days from the date of purchase for a 100% refund or a replacement (less shipping charges).
  • Is there a limit to the Product Guarantee?
    This guarantee is limited to P16,800 in any 12 month period. If an Independent Distributor wishes to return merchandise exceeding P16,800 in any 12 month period, the return will be deemed an inventory repurchase and the Company shall repurchase the inventory pursuant to the terms in the “Return of Inventory and Sales Aids by Independent Distributors” section of these Policies, and the Independent Distributor's Distributor Agreement shall be cancelled.
  • Can distributors return product that has been returned by their Retail Customers?
    If a Retail Customer returns a product to the independent distributor from whom it was purchased, the distributor may return it to the Company for a refund or replacement (the distributor returning the product is responsible for all shipping charges).
  • What is the policy for the return of inventory and sales aids by Independent Distributors in the event of a cancellation of a Distributor Agreement?
    Upon Cancellation of an independent distributor's Distributor Agreement, the distributor may return inventory and sales aids purchased within one (1) year prior to the date of Cancellation for a refund if he or she is unable to sell or use the merchandise. A distributor may only return products and sales aids that he or she personally purchased from the Company under his or her 4Life Identification Number, and which are in Resalable condition. Upon receipt of the products and sales aids, the distributor will be reimbursed 90% of the net cost of the original purchase price(s), less shipping charges. If the purchases were made through a credit card, the refund will be credited back to the same account. The Company shall deduct from the reimbursement paid to the distributor any commissions, bonuses, rebates, or other incentives received by the Independent Distributor which were associated with the merchandise that is returned.
  • What constitutes as "Resalable"?
    Products and sales aids are “Resalable” if each of the following elements are satisfied: (1) they are unopened and unused; (2) the products’ packaging and labeling have not been altered or damaged; (3) the products bear a current label; (4) products have not exceeded their expiration date; (5) products have not been discontinued; and (6) products are returned to 4Life within 30 days from the date of purchase.
  • How do I return the product?
    All merchandise must be returned by the Independent Distributor or Retail Customer or Preferred Customer who purchased it directly from 4Life. All products to be returned must have a “Return Authorization Number” which will be obtained by calling 4Life’s Customer Service department. This Return Authorization Number must be written on each carton returned. The return must be accompanied by: (1) a copy of the original dated retail sales receipt (if product was returned to the Independent Distributor by a Retail Customer or a Preferred Customer) and (2) the unused portion of the product in its original container.
  • How do I ship the product I want to return?
    Proper shipping carton(s) and packing materials are to be used in packaging the product(s) being returned. All returns must be shipped to 4Life, shipping pre-paid. 4Life does not accept shipping-collect packages. The risk of loss in shipping for returned product shall be on the Independent Distributor. It is the sole responsibility of the distributor to trace, insure, or otherwise confirm that the Company has received the shipment. If a distributor is returning merchandise to 4Life that was returned to him or her by a Retail Customer, the product must be shipped to 4Life within ten (10) days from the date on which the customer returned the merchandise to the distributor and must be accompanied by the sales receipt that the distributor gave to the Retail Customer at the time of the sale.
  • Have more questions about the policy?
    Follow the link below to read the full policy or contact Customer Service with any questions.